Reagan made it through her first cold & is feeling much better. The coolest thing that happened this week is that Reagan communicated for the first time through sign language. We've been doing baby signs for the past 5 months & using maybe 7 signs with her. When we were at dinner & feeding her little Gerber Graduate yogurt bites, she did the sign for "more." It was really cute & very exciting to think that she's able to communicate with us in that way! Reagan loves playing in her blue bathtub; especially when it's not bath time. Here are some photos of her in the blue tub, the real tub & in her room. 41 WEEKS
So, Reagan is sick for the first time this weekend. She had a runny nose on Thursday & by Friday had developed a raspy cough. Due to the wintry weather, Reagan's pediatrician's office was closed, so we couldn't get in to see the doctor. Despite not feeling well, Reagan slept pretty well waking at 11:30pm & 5am but quickly going back to sleep. Although she nursed well before bed, she cried when she tried to nurse this morning. I figured it was possible that she might have an ear infection, plus I wanted a doctor to listen to her chest, so Eric & I brought her to the weekend clinic this morning. Turns out she does have a minor infection in her right ear. 24 hours on the antibiotic & I bet she'll feel a lot better. Here are a few shots from earlier this week when she was feeling well.
What a fun holiday season we've had. We spent Thanksgiving day w/Eric's family & then headed up on Friday to spend the weekend w/my parents, sister & her boyfriend. Christmas was celebrated multiple times; the Sunday before with the Browns, at Eric's office party on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day with my family. Eric's parents were able to join us for Christmas dinner along with my Aunt Becky & her family. Of course, Reagan made out like a bandit. She didn't really know what was going on but has enjoyed all the wonderful gifts she received. Since Thanksgiving, Reagan has really started moving. She really didn't start fully crawling until about the week before Christmas, but she hasn't stopped since. She's now pulling herself up to a standing position. When I got to her room this morning, she was standing in her crib. She's growing so fast & is so much fun. Reagan continues to be an extremely happy baby & loves people. She charms anyone she sees out in public with her gap-toothed grin & double-handed wave. As we like to say, "She's a doll!" 37 WEEKS 38 WEEKS 39 WEEKS