Saturday, July 18, 2009


Reagan is 15 weeks old now & becomming more & more aware every day. She has her hands in her mouth constantly, talks (or rather coos) a lot & loves to stand up while being held. She's really beginning to grab at things she finds interesting & they typically end up in her mouth. Occassionaly, a fist full of my hair ends up in her hand which feels great. Unhooking that tight grip of hers can be a challenge. Speaking of challenges, the past couple of nights Reagan has woken up shortly after being put down for the night. She cries & acts like she wants to go to bed, eats & the goes right to sleep...for 45 minutes to an hour. Then she wakes up all bright-eyed & smiley. I'm hoping that this is just a temporary set back. Tonight she got fussy right before bed & ate & went right to sleep. Here's to hoping that she gets a good nights rest!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Check for teeth...sometimes sleep schedules get totally off when they start teething. Hopefully just a fluke though. Happy sleeping!