Friday, May 8, 2009


Little Reagan is already 5 weeks old. Her personality is starting to come out...she smiles a lot & also lets us know when she's unhappy. She really only cries when she's wet or tired, but other than that, she's a very content baby.
Last Friday, May 1, my mom & I took Reagan to her 1 month check up. Her weight had gone from 7 lbs 3 oz to 8 lbs 14 oz & she grew 1 inch in length. She is in the 75% for height & the 50% for weight. Since she is doing so well with her eating, the doctor told me I could let her go up to 4 hours during the day between feedings; however, Reagan usually goes no longer than 3 hours before she asks for her next meal. In the evenings, she's eating even more frequently but is also sleeping longer. At night, I'm not waking her up anymore. The longest she's gone between feedings is 6 hours. While this isn't the norm (yet), the longer periods between feedings at night are allowing me to get more rest. Reagan is also doing great about taking a bottle each night from her daddy which gives me a break to take a bath & relax for a bit.

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